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Sunshine Conversations

Integrating With The Thankful Dashboard

Note: Sunshine Conversations works in tandem with Zendesk. Please ensure your Zendesk account is integrated with Thankful before proceeding. You can find instructions on how to do that here.

Note: Your Sunshine Conversations account should be integrated with your Zendesk account before proceeding. If these accounts are not already integrated, you’ll need to reach out to your contact(s) at Sunshine Conversations to do this for you.

  1. Go to Integrations and click “+ Add Helpdesk Integrations,” select “Sunshine Conversations” from the drop-down, and click “Add Integration.”

  2. Click “Notification Endpoints” and “+ New Notification Endpoint,” naming this “Sunshine Conversations.” Click “Save.”

  3. Navigate back to the Authorization tab for your new integration. Ensure you are logged in to your Sunshine Conversations account and click “Save.” Doing this will redirect you to Sunshine Conversations, where you will be asked which app you want to connect to Thankful. Click the correct one to allow the integration, and you’ll be directed back to Thankful, where you should see that some values have populated in to the un-editable “App ID” and “Thankful Integration ID” fields. Save these two values for the next step.

Connect Thankful With Sunshine Conversations And Zendesk

Note: Be sure to replace the values in the curl examples with your values. Your app_keyid and app_secretkey can be found at{your-app-id}/settings

  1. Once the above process is complete, you’ll need to make some API calls to finish the set up process. Please follow the steps outlined below.

  2. Use the following curl command to create a switchboard. This houses your switchboard integrations, like Thankful and Zendesk. Switchboards are created with an empty post body. They begin in a disabled state by default so as to not interfere with the delivery of messages while it is being configured. We’ll enable the switchboard as the final step of this guide.

curl -X POST \ \
  -u app_keyid:app_secretkey
  1. Copy the switchboard id returned by this call for use in the following calls, referred to going forward as switchboard_id

Create switchboard integrations


curl -X POST \ \
  -d '{"name": "Thankful", "integrationType": "thankful", "deliverStandbyEvents": false}' \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -u app_keyid:app_secretkey
  1. Copy the id returned by this call for use in the following calls, referred to going forward as THANKFUL_SWITCHBOARD_INTEGRATION_ID


Note: currently, Zendesk is currently the only supported business system.

curl -X POST \ \
  -d '{"name": "ZD", "integrationType": "zd:agentWorkspace", "deliverStandbyEvents": false, "messageHistoryCount": 10, "nextSwitchboardIntegrationId": "THANKFUL_SWITCHBOARD_INTEGRATION_ID" }' \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -u app_keyid:app_secretkey
  1. Copy the id returned by this call for use in the following calls, referred to going forward as ZENDESK_SWITCHBOARD_INTEGRATION_ID

  2. Update the Thankful switchboard integration to use Zendesk as the secondary point of contact:

curl -X PATCH \
  $SUNSHINE_CONV_ROOT/v2/apps/:app_id/switchboards/:switchboard_id/switchboardIntegrations/:THANKFUL_SWITCHBOARD_INTEGRATION_ID \
  -d '{"nextSwitchboardIntegrationId": "ZENDESK_SWITCHBOARD_INTEGRATION_ID"}' \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -u app_keyid:appsecretkey
  1. Enable your switchboard:
curl -X PATCH \
  $SUNSHINE_CONV_ROOT/v2/apps/:app_id/switchboards/:switchboard_id \
  -d '{"defaultSwitchboardIntegrationId": "THANKFUL_SWITCHBOARD_INTEGRATION_ID", "enabled": true}' \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -u app_keyid:app_secretkey

Congratulations, you’ve integrated Sunshine Conversations!

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